Get swimsuit ready with this upper body burnout!
Hey hey! Swim suit season is upon us and for some of us that comes with dread. I personally love summer. Hot weather, lots of fruit and water time. My family owned a houseboat for a couple of years, which we just sold. We’re lake people, but I’m not going to lie that first time putting on a swim suit is rough. Pale skin, cottage cheese legs and everything that’s been hiding all winter is now being unveiled for the world to see. Woof. Good thing for spray tans 😏
I just got back from a bachelorette party where I was in a swimsuit the majority of the time. We drank and ate bad food all weekend, but you know what? It was a blast and everyone had a good time!! Sometimes you just gotta let loose! I knew I could come back this week and work my butt off in the gym and eat some extra greens and be just fine. 👍🏼
Balance is something I have really been working on. Six months ago, if you would have asked me to rearrange my workout schedule or go out to eat unexpectedly I would get anxiety. It’s just the way I am. I have my plan and I like to stick to it! But I’m trying to be more flexible, because life is more than just working out and eating healthy.
And guess what? I’ve really been loving life lately 😊 Got rid of my Fitbit, stopped tracking calories and I feel hella good and that’s what matters!
Anywho off that rant… who’s ready to work their back and bicep muscles?!! This is the best combination because both muscle groups use each other, making for ONE EFFECTIVE WORKOUT!
This ones pretty simple. All you need is a pair of light and heavy dbbells and a mat. Perform each move consecutively for 30 seconds (no breaks between moves), repeating the workout twice. 10 minutes, that’s all you need! These moves are perfect to add to the end of a cardio workout or to the end of your lifting session for an extra burn.
Now let’s get to work! 💪🏾

10 minute Back and Bicep Burnout
Equipment: light and heavy dbbells, mat
- Dbell Deadlift – standing, with dbells in each hand, bend at the waist, pressing hips back and keeping shoulder blades in pockets (rolled back and down into spine. Don’t let shoulders roll forward toward the floor). Lower body so back is flat and dbells are around knee caps. Rise by squeezing your glutes and hamstrings.
- Bicep Curl – with dbells in each hand, palms facing, curl dbells up and twist so that palms face shoulders at top. Slowly lower dbells back to starting. Keep elbows right under shoulders and try not to swing dbells to lift.
- Dbell Row – with feet under hips and dbells in each hand, hinge at hips and slightly bend knees. Squeeze shoulder blades together to lift dbells to hips. Slower lower back to starting position. Keep core tight and eyes on floor the entire time.
- Hammer Curl – with dbells in each hand and palms facing, curl dbells up to shoulders. Slowly lower dbells back to starting postion. Keep elbows right under shoulders and try not to swing dbells to lift.
- Dbell Underhand Row – with feet under hips and dbells in each hand, twist arms so palms are facing away from the body. Hinge at hips and slightly bend knees. Squeeze shoulder blades together to lift dbells to belly button. Slower lower back to starting position. Keep core tight and eyes on floor the entire time.
- Y Curl Ins – with light dbells in both hands, bring arms up to shoulder height and extend dbells out creating a Y-shape with your body. Keeping elbows still, curl dbells into ears . Bring them back out and repeat.
- Dbell Bent Fly – with dbells in hand, palms facing, hinge at hips (eyes on ground) and slightly bend knees. Pull core in tight to protect the back. With arms straight, squeeze shoulder blades together in the back (like you’re squeezing a tennis ball in between your shoulder blades). Lift dbells up to body height and then lower them back down to starting. Try and keep you body as still as possible, using only your shoulders to lift.
- Wide Hammer Curls – with dbells in hand, palms facing away from the body, bring arms by sides (dbells might be slightly behind body). Keeping elbows still, lift dbells so that the head of the dbell is pointing toward your shoulder at the top. Lower dbells back to starting position.
- Supermans – lying on ground, belly down, squeeze glutes and lower back to lift arms and feet off floor. Slowly lower back down, controlling the muscles (don’t flop body back on floor), repeat, trying to lift higher each move.
- Iso Hold + Curl – with dbells in both hands, hold left arm in curl at 90 degreens (at belly button height), don’t move left arm. Curl right arm up to shoulder and lower back to starting position, keeping your elbow underneath your shoulder the whole time. Second time through, repeat with the right arm at hold and left arm curling.