Work those glutes and abs with this quick, but effective toning session!
Another workout post coming in hot. 🔥 If there’s two muscle groups that need the most attention, it’s the butt and gut. Use these moves to perk up that booty and tighten the core in just 10 minutes!
By focusing on slow and controlled moves, you’ll strengthen the muscles that need it most. Try adding this workout to the end of your regular routine and I guarantee you’ll feel the burn!
Hiiyyaaa! I’m back 🙂 I took a little week hiatus (I know, most of you didn’t notice). Between Thanksgiving, family being in town, travel, work, wedding planning and house decorating, I was feeling a bit stretched thin. And the whole point of the blog is to inspire a healthy lifestyle and that includes mental health. So a little time off was needed. But, no worries I’m feeling refreshed and ready to share the latest with you all.
It’s been a busy last couple weeks. My brother and his fiance were in town and we did a lot of running around, spending time with family and eating good food. Now I’m ready to get back on track, but dang it’s been hard. Those candy canes and caramels have been staring me down.
Maybe I should do this Butt and Gut workout instead of chowing down on the goodies all night.
This workout is short and sweet, but will set that booty on fire plus it’ll target those abs to give you full body strength. Each move is 30 seconds, with no rest in between moves to really strain the muscles. You’ll repeat the routine twice, making up a solid 10 minute sweat sesh. Let’s do it!
Oh and sorry for the janky photos.

10-Minute Butt & Gut
Perform each move for 30 seconds and repeat twice.
- High Plank Glute Kickbacks – hold high plank and squeeze right glute. repeat with right leg, do left the second time through.
- Hip Bridge + Reverse Crunch – one hip bridge, one reverse crunch
- Low Plank Spider Knee + Side Leg Lift – in low plank, bring right knee to right elbow, move leg back to starting position and lift left leg and perform a side raise (out to the side)
- Side Plank + Leg Lifts – start on your right side on toes or knees down and lift top leg, slowly lower and repeat
- Hip Bridge Walks + Crunch – in hip bridge position, lift one leg and then place back on ground, repeat with the other leg. Lower body to ground and then perform a crunch
- Fire Hydrant on Toes – on all fours, shins parallel to floor, perform a fire hydrant (legs stays at 90 degrees and food flexed)
- Superman V’s – lay on your stomach, lift legs so knees are still on the ground, but heels are up and touching. Lift lower and upper body by squeezing your back and core. Slowly lower. Repeat.
- Downward Dog + Leg Lift + Knee Driver – in high plank position, lift butt in air, so body is in a shape of a “V.” Lift right leg off ground and perform a glute kickback. Then lower body to high plank (butt down) and pull knee into chest. Repeat on the other side.
- Sumo Squat + Oblique Crunch – in sumo squat position, feet turned out, hips tucked, place hands behind head and lower right elbow to right knee. Squeeze oblique to lift. Repeat on the other side.
- RDLs – from standing position, bring right leg behind body, keeping core tight and back straight, bring chest parallel to ground and squeeze glutes to lift back to standing position