Take it to the next level with this HIIT workout that targets every muscle!
It’s time to grab the weights and tone your entire body with this high intensity interval training workout! Each round targets a different muscle group, building strength and boosting that heart rate, so you’ll be feeling the burn in no time!
Whether you’re a beginner or gym rat, this workout can be modified for any level and will leave you feeling accomplished (and sweaty!) 💪🏼
Hey hey! This warm weather has got me feeling cheery 🙂 I cannot wait to be able to go for a run outside again. But for now it’s a walk with Mr. Mosby (our dog).
I’m anxiously waiting for my back to heal. I’m seeing progress and there have definitely been some good days, but I don’t want to over do it, especially when I’m still in pain.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this whole thing it’s to listen to your body. I know if I would have slowed down and maybe seen a doctor before my back got to the point that putting on socks hurt, I could have healed a bit faster.
I’m trying to stay positive, and I’m doing everything I can to get back to my “regular” workouts, but I know it’s probably going to be a longer recovery than I first anticipated…
So for the rest of you, you can enjoy this tough little kick a** sweat sesh!
You can do this workout at home or in the gym, as requested by my Instagram followers.
All you need is two sets of dumbbells – light and medium/heavy.
It’ll challenge your body. With intervals of cardio and strength, trust me when I say, your heart rate will be high the entire time. ❤️
Each round of exercises focuses on a specific muscle group, while also incorporating plyometric moves to get your body into metabolic training.
Metabolic training is when you have spikes of increased heart rate, with little rest in between moves. This type of training helps you burn serious calories during and after a workout. Which is what we all want, right?!
Here’s how it works: You’ll perform each move for 30 seconds, moving on to the next exercise in the round without resting.
- Exercise one focuses on strength-based moves.
- Exercise two focuses on combining strength and movement to work multiple muscle groups at a time.
- Exercise three focuses on cardio bursts.
You’ll complete moves one, two and three in the round and then repeat that sequence two more times through. So, you’ll be completing the round 3 times before resting and moving on to the next round.
You can take a break whenever you need to, but the workout is designed to give you active recovery with exercise one in each round. Try to get into each exercise as soon as possible to get the full 30 seconds of work.
Ready to rock?!

40 Minute Full Body Cardio + Strength HIIT Workout
Warm-Up: 5 mins
Round One
- Static – Sumo Squat + Pulse (with weights) – hold the weight(s) in the center and pulse low, moving only 1 inch up and down.
- Multi Muscle – Dumbbell Curtsey Lunge + Side Lunge – move the right leg the entire 30 seconds and switch to the left the second time through. The third time through, work the right leg for 15 seconds and left leg for 15 seconds.
- Cardio – Lunge Jumps – depending on your level – you can jump your legs in between lunges or step back.
Round Two
- Static – Dumbbell Back Fly – make sure knees are slightly bent and squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift the arms
- Multi Muscle – High Plank + Row – keep hips level to the floor and row dumbbell to your hip, squeezing your shoulder blade into your spine (center)
- Cardio – Speed Skater with Leg Up – side to side jumps/hops, landing on one leg and letting your other leg swing behind you (focus on your core to keep your balance)
Round Three
- Static – Straight Arm Cross Body Lift – palms facing up and keeping arms straight, squeeze your chest to lift.
- Multi Muscle – Push Up from Ground Up – tuck your toes underneath and place hands wide and in line with your chest. Push your body straight up and try to to inchworm up (you can also do this as knee push ups)
- Cardio – Suicide Drills – run 3 – 4 steps in one direction, turn and touch the floor and then sprint 3 – 4 steps in the other direction. Make sure you turn before touching the ground to support your back and prevent ankle twists.
Round Four
- Static – Dumbbell Kickbacks – with knees slightly bent, draw elbows back to hips and kick pinkies to ceiling by squeezing the back of the arms.
- Multi Muscle – Dips + Toe Touch – with fingers pointing toward your ankles, lift hips. Bend elbows to lower body and squeeze triceps to lift. Then using lift your right arm up to reach your left toe (keeping legs as straight as possible and core tight). Balance is key.
- Cardio – High Knees – drive knees up to hip height, keeping core tight.
Round Five
- Static – Wide + Narrow Hammer Curl – with palms facing out, lift dumbbells to outside shoulders, lower, then bring palms facing and curl dumbbells up to front of shoulders.
- Multi Muscle – Side to Side Squat + Bicep Curl – step your right leg out and squat with dumbbells in each hand (one hand on outside of leg, one hand in between legs). Stand and curl dumbbells to shoulders. Step left and squat.
- Cardio – Squat Jacks – Jump legs out wide while performing a squat and bring arms down to the outside of your legs (like a jumping jack). Jump legs back to center while standing and bring hands overhead (think big jumping jack with a squat)
Round Six
- Static – Front/Side Raise – with arms straight, lift in front and slowly lower, then position arms to side and lift to the sides. Don’t lift dumbbells above shoulder height.
- Multi Muscle – Squat + Press – with dumbbells at shoulders and palms facing, squat down, then while standing press dumbbells overhead. Keep core tight and use the momentum of the dumbbells to bring you back to squatting position.
- Cardio – 360 Squat Hops – in low squat position, hop your body 90 degrees, so you’re facing the right, then still in low squat, hop your body 90 degrees so you’re facing the back. Repeat all the way around until you get facing front and then hop the opposite direction, staying low the entire time.
Round Seven
- Static – Full Sit Up – Bring feet in toward hips and pull ribs to hips to sit up. Slowly lower back to floor. Try not to use your arms for momentum.
- Multi Muscle – Bicycles – with legs extended or on the floor, lift upper body and try to bring your elbow to opposite knee (while extending opposite leg), repeat alternating sides.
- Cardio – Plank Jacks – in low plank, hop feet out wide and back in (like your performing a jumping jack with your feet)

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