Highlights of afitcado and what’s to come in 2018!
I can’t believe 2017 has come to a close, but yano what they say, when one door closes another one opens. This year has been one for the books – the start of afitcado, a new house and an engagement! And although there were a lot of exciting things that happened in 2017, I have a feeling 2018 might take the cake. 🎂
I’ll start by reflecting on the blog. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I launched afitcado (February 28th to be exact). I never imagined how much work it would be, but also how rewarding. There have definitely been days when the thought of “quitting” crossed my mind. I seriously underestimated how much time it would take to test a recipe, shoot it, edit photos, write a blog post, put the post together, write the email blast and post on social. Especially with a full and part-time job, wedding planning and trying to be a good friend, sister, daughter and fiance. A scale back was definitely needed. When I launched the blog I intended to post 3 times a week, now all I do is one!
It’s crazy to look back on all the recipes and workouts that I’ve developed this year. Some of your favorites were:
- Easy Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
- Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream
- Chocolate Cranberry Protein Energy Balls
- Blueberry Banana Oat Muffins
- Post Workout Green Smoothie
- Full Body Strength Tabata – Part 1
- Stability Ball Core Workout
- 45-Minute Outside HIIT Workout
- Shoulder Burnout
- Cardio Kickboxing Tabata
It’s always amusing to see which posts perform the best. 🤔
Some of my all-time favorites were:
- Breakfast Tacos
- Healthier Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
- Parmesan Crusted Salmon
- Mexican Stuffed Peppers
- Lightened Up Strawberry Fluff
- Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Skillet
- High Intensity Tabata Workout
- 45-Minute Outside HIIT
- Cardio Legs Power Workout
- Flat Belly Ab Blaster
- Full Body Kettlebell HIIT Workout
If you haven’t tried these ones yet, I highly suggest you do, they are pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself! 😏
Looking forward to next year, what do you want to see more of? More dinners? Healthy drinks? Snacks? A certain diet – Paleo, Keto, GF? Different workouts? Let me know in the comments below!
The blog was a big part of 2017 for me. It took up a lot of time and it was a new experience, but a lot happened outside of the blog too.
January – I had my first PT session, my first cortisone shot and went a month without workouting out :/
February – Nick and I took our first solo international trip to a resort in Mexico (it was glorious!☀️👙⛱️)
June – Moved out of our first townhome and moved back in with our parents (talk about an adjustment…)
August – Took a vacation to Star Island, MN for the first time with Nick’s family and we started looking at houses 😬
September – Found our first home and got engaged!!!! 🏡 💍
October – Closed on our house, moved in and painted for the first time! 💸💸💸
November / December – Engagement party, wedding planning and lots of holiday stuff
I don’t think the year could have gotten any better. It was a busy one, but one I’ll remember for my entire life 🙂

And last but not least, what’s to come in 2018?! Well a lot more recipes and workouts. 2018 will also bring more lifestyle changes.
I’ve always been one for New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I make 10 every year. The sad part is, I rarely stick to them. On the first day of the year, I’ll reflect on what I wrote down the previous year and realize I probably only met 2 or 3 and then I’ll try again the next year. You could say I’m like 90% of the population.
Things on the list usually include, maintaining a healthy weight, reading my bible, meditation, being nice to my parents, being kind and compassionate. I know you’re probably laughing…
One of the bloggers I follow, Lee from America, does this thing where she sets monthly intentions and I thought about doing that this year instead. That way I can focus on a couple of things each month and make it a habit, instead of having 10 things that I fail at.
Some of the lifestyle changes I’m trying to make this year:
- Use less plastic
- More meditation
- Try (hot) Yoga
- Read the bible on a regular basis
- More naps and relaxation
- Less social media
- More friend time
- Live in the moment and not by a to-do list
- More water
- Less stress
I’m hoping ya’ll can hold me accountable and also give me tips on how to reach my goals!
2017 you were a good one, one I won’t forget, a year of memories. 2018 I’m ready to take you on!
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year, filled with friends, family and joy! 🎉🎈