A quick, yet effective workout to tone your entire body!
20 seconds of work. 10 seconds of rest. That’s it! These moves will have you torching cals and taking numbers! 💯 With a combination of cardio and strength, you’ll build lean muscle while giving that body a total sweat sesh! All you need is yourself and a pair of heavy dumbbells to get some serious work done. Ready, set, go!!
Hello friends! Happy Sunday 🙂 Coming in hot with a new workout on the bloggy. Shout out to my bestie for helping me take the pics!! I’m experimenting with new places to shoot and as much as I love the studio, it ain’t cheap. So for now, bare with me.
It’s been a really good past couple of weeks for workouts. My schedule is back to normal and I’m feeling strong. Sweating for the wedding, yano?! 😅 Actually, I’m not trying to lose any weight for the wedding. If anything, I just want to tone up.
I never thought I would say that…
For a large part of my life, I worked out to be “skinny,” just like 99% of the population. I’m sure you’ve felt that way at some point or still do. It’s crazy how you can change your mindset of wanting to be skinny to wanting to be healthy. Now I workout for my mental health, I workout to help keep my body in action (nothing’s worse than sitting all day at a desk), I workout to socialize, I workout so one day I can be a healthy mother, I workout because it makes me feel like a badass. 💪🏽 It’s so much more than just looks. And that’s why working out is such an important part of my life.
I’m not going to lie, some days I dread it, but I know that if I can just get through the first 15 minutes, that I’ll feel so much better.
I encourage you all to try changing your mindset of “having” to workout, to getting to workout. It can truly change your life.
Annnyyywayyyy, onto this one hell of a workout! Tabata’s are my absolute favorite. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. You can do anything for 20 seconds!! At least that’s what I tell myself when I’m sucking wind and wanting to keel over.
This tabata workout will alternate between cardio, leg powered moves to core and strength focused exercises.
What you’ll need:
- Mat
- Timer
- Heavy Dumbbells
- Towel*
- Water bottle*
*highly suggested 😉
You’ll perform 8 sets of work in each Tabata. There are only 4 moves, so you’ll repeat each move twice. See “x2” in the workout descriptions below for when to repeat – either one after another or doing all 4 moves first and then repeating them once more through.
Make it quick by only performing the 4 tabatas, or if you want a little extra, repeat the full workout twice (8 total tabatas). You ready tackle this workout like a beast?! Lesss do itt!

Total Body Tabata
Complete each move for 20 seconds, with 10 seconds rest in between moves.
Tabata 1
- High Knees with Russian Twist – perform high knees while twisting your upper body like a russian twist (keep your head forward to refrain from getting dizzy)
- Plyo Power Knee – hinge at hips and bend right knee. Drive left knee into chest while hoping right leg.
- Mummy Kicks – body slightly back, kick heels out right and then left while alternating “scissoring” straight arms in front of you
- Diamond Jumps + Single Leg Burpee – from narrow squat position, jump in air, brining heels together making legs form a diamond. Land soft and jump down into a burpee.
Tabata 2
- Knee Tap Pushup – pushup, tap hand to opposite knee, pushup x2
- V Supermans – lay on stomach, raise legs in v (heels together) and lift knees and upper body off mat, pulling heels up toward ceiling x2
- Toe Tap Pushup – pushup, tap hand to opposite toe, pushup x2
- V Supermans + In/Outs – lay on stomach, raise legs in v (heels together) and lift knees and upper body off mat and keep lifted. Squeeze knees in and out x2
Tabata 3
- Burpee + Lunge – perform a burpee and then hop into a reverse lunge. Performing only 1 lunge. Perform another burpee and lunge with opposite leg.
- Plyo Squat + Dbell Press – hop into squat position, jump feet together and push dbell overhead (hold one dbell at both ends)
- Reverse Lunge + Hammer Curl + Knee Pull
- Squat Press – perform one squat with dbells at shoulder height. Press dumbbells over head while standing.
Tabata 4
- Alternating Narrow + Wide Hammer Curl
- High Plank 3 Point Hops – in high plank position and legs off to one side, hop legs center, like the lower half of a burpee, then hop legs together to other side of body (right, center, left) x2
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Side to Side Plank Hops