All you need is 30 minutes to work every muscle in your body (including your heart! ❤️)
3 moves. 30 seconds each. 3 times through. You’ll be toning that body in no time with this cardio strength high-intensity HIIT workout! All you need is a pair of heavy dumbbells and a positive attitude.
This multi-move sweat sesh will have you strengthening your upper and lower body at the same time, while kicking that heart rate through the roof to keep you burning cals for hours!
Hello friends! Whew it’s been a minute since my last workout post. Summer is in full force, which means suns out guns out 💪🏼 It’s funny because you’d think we would be more consistent with our workouts during the summer, but it’s always seems to be the opposite.
There’s always something going on – friends get together, vacations, weddings, you name it.
Which means you need quick workouts that you can complete in a short amount of time, but still get the burn and feel accomplished!
In the past, if I didn’t get a full hour workout in, I felt like I was slacking or that the workout wouldn’t count. That mindset sucked. It made me not want to go to the gym because I didn’t think I had enough time to get a good enough workout in.
Nowadays, if I only have 30 – 45 minutes, I try to max out – working hard the entire time and feeling great afterward!
You really don’t need a long time to make big changes in your body.
This quick and dirty HIIT workout is perfect for one of those days. You can perform the workout at home or at the gym and all you need is a pair of heavy dumbbells (I use 10 – 12 pounds.)
The goal: burnout your muscles while getting that heart pumping to max out your workout!
Here’s how it works. Each round has 3 moves – 1 strength exercise, 1 multi-muscle exercise, 1 cardio exercise. You’ll perform each exercise for 30 seconds, repeating the round 3 times before taking a break and moving on to the next round. You’ll work every muscle in your body – legs, back, chest, biceps, triceps and shoulders. That’s they way we like it, uh huh uh huh 😂
Feel free to add a little core work to the end. Here are some of my favorites:
8-Minute Medicine Ball Core Workout
Flat Belly Ab Blaster
Stability Ball Core Workout

Cardio Strength 30 Minute HIIT Workout
30 seconds each exercise, complete 3 sets of each round, taking a minute rest in between rounds.
Round One
Static – Shoulder Press
Multi Muscle – Curtsey Lunge + Delt Raise
Cardio – Lunge Jumps
Round Two
Static – Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Multi Muscle – Squat + Hammer Curl
Cardio – Star Jumps
Round Three
Static – Standing Dumbbell Chest Press
Multi Muscle – Pushups
Cardio – Burpees
Round Four
Static – Tricep Extension
Multi Muscle – Tricep Kickbacks + Runners
Cardio – Scissor Runs
Round Five
Static – Dumbbell Back Fly
Multi Muscle – Sumo Squat + Upright Row
Cardio – Speed Skaters
Print this workout here.
Love cardio/strength workouts? Here’s a couple you NEED to try!
Bosu Ball HIIT Workout
Total Body Tabata
Full Body Kettlebell HIIT
Nourish Move Love’s 20-Minute Cardio Barre Home Workout
hehe 👇🏼