A body weight workout that’ll have you sweating in minutes!
There’s nothing like a kick butt sweat sesh that works every muscle in less than 30 minutes. With a combination of cardio and strength moves, you’ll get a total body workout that will leave you feeling accomplished. There’s no dumbbells required, just you and a water bottle 💪🏼
Hey there! It’s been a while since my last workout post. The food has taken oooover! Jk. 😂
If you follow me on instagram, I try to post some of my weekly workouts on stories (my favs are saved in the highlights), but I’ll try to be better about sharing. Nick thinks it’s so embarrassing taking photos/videos of me. He gets so uncomfortable and doesn’t want to be known as “those people.” I just have to remind him it’s for you guys!! 🙃 Thank goodness for Insta’s hands-free option.
My workouts have been all over the place lately, but my tried and true is always tabata. I love that each move is 20 seconds, so it feels attainable, but still gives you that toughness you’re looking for. And you get a little breather – just enough to catch your breath, but not too long where you feel completely recovered. It really is the best workout!
Whether you’re a beginner or old timer tabata expert, this 30 minute workout will have you feeling great. Every move can be modified. So instead of jumping or high-impact moves, take it to a step or lower the impact. Remember this is your workout, take it where you need it! 👊🏼

Tabata Explained
You’ll perform each move for 20 seconds. Resting for 10 seconds in between moves. There’s 4 exercises you’ll perform in each tabata. You will either complete the moves back to back, alternate or all 4 in a row. See my notes below for when to repeat a move. There will be a total of 8 sets of work in each tabata. Totaling about 4 minutes.
Once you complete one tabata, rest for 1 minute before moving on to the next set of work.
Start with a warm-up of either a light jog for 5 minutes or see my go-to warm up below to add some plyometrics.
If you love tabata workouts, you have to check out my top 3. I promise you’ll love them all!
Alrighty, this is all body weight, baby! So grab a mat, water bottle and towel and let’s get to work!!
p.s. – all the moves are explained below 👇🏼

30-Minute Tabata Workout
Warm-up: 5 minute jog or 30 second internals of jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, air squats, jump rope x2
Complete each move for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest in between moves. Rest 1 minute between each tabata.
Tabata 1
Repeat each move twice before moving on.
- Low Switch Kick Punch x2 – lean back slightly and kick heels out one after another
- Hop Hop Knee x2 – hop twice laterally and then drive your outside knee up, while crunching upper body toward knee, repeat moving in opposite direction
- 1-2-3 Clap x2 – step twice laterally (it should be quick), bring inside knee up and clap underneath, while crunching upper body, repeat moving in the opposite direction x2
- Hit the floor + Tuck Jump x2 – bring right leg behind and bend both knees to touch the floor, keeping your core very tight to protect your back. Hop feet together, back to standing position and perform a tuck jump by bring both knees up while jumping in the air. Use your arms for momentum. Land soft and bring left leg back and touch the floor. Repeat alternating sides.
Tabata 2
Go through all 4 moves before repeating.
- High Plank In/Outs – in high plank, hands under shoulders and butt down, jump feet in toward your hands and then back out to plank position
- Plank Jack Taps – in high plank, jump feet out like a jumping jack and while legs are out bring right hand up to tap left shoulder. Bring hand back to ground at the same time feet hop back center
- Low Plank + Lateral Leg Swing – in low plank, swing right leg out to the side, keeping it as straight as possible. Tap the ground with toe and then swing right leg back center. Then swing left leg out and repeat alternating sides.
- Moving Pushups – perform a pushup in the center, then walk your arms to the right and perform another pushup. Walk hands back to center, pushup, walk hands left, pushup.
Tabata 3
Repeat each move twice before moving on.
- 3 Scissor Runs + Big Jacks x2 – standing with body slightly forward, scissor legs 3 times while performing the same motion with arms (straightened and in front of you), then jump feet together and perform a mini narrow squat. Jump into the air while straightening legs out to the sides and arms out like a jumping jack. Land soft and perform one more “big jack”, then repeat the scissor runs.
- Lateral Lunge + Front Kick x2 – Lunge to the right, then push out of your right foot to get back to standing position and perform a front kick without putting your foot on the ground. Strike with your feel and then go back to the right side lunge (perform left side the second time through)
- Low Squat Pulse + Froggy Jump x2 – in a wide stance position with feet pointed out (knees tracking toes) perform a squat, and pulse – lifting up 1 inch and then back down, then, jump forward landing back in the wide squat position. Pulse for 1 and then jump backward. Repeat front and back.
- Reverse Lunge + Side Kick x2 – step back into a reverse lunge (legs at 90 degrees at the bottom), while standing, kick leg out to the right, repeat on the same leg. Switch to left leg the second time through.
Tabata 4
Perform exercises 1 and 2 first, then repeat 1 and 2 again before moving on to exercises 3 and 4.
- Plyo Push Up – start in pushup position with legs wider than normal. Perform one pushup. Jump feet in and move one arm in closer to the body to perform a tricep pushup. Alternate between regular and tricep pushups. Modification: stay on your knees and move arms to alternate between pushup types.
- Downward Dog + Spider Knee – in downward dog position (High plank but butt in air, hips pressed back, stretching upper body), slowly lower body back to high plank position and bring right knee out and around to right elbow. Move foot back to ground and body back to Downward Dog. Repeat alternating sides.
- Low Plank Pike-Up – in low plank position, hop feet in, while pulling your core in tight and keepig legs as straight as possible. Your head will come in between your arms and your booty will go in the air. Hop feet back out and land in low plank, keeping core tight making sure not to dip your back. Repeat.
- Tricep Pushup + Row – on your knees or toes, perform one tricep push up (keeping your arms close to your body, elbows should point straight back and keep eyes ahead). At the top of the pushup, “row” your arm back like you are holding a dumbbell. Squeezing your back muscles together and rowing hand to hip. Place hand back on ground and repeat alternating arms.
Tabata 5
Repeat each move twice before moving on.
- 8 Speed Bags (R) + 2 jump jacks + 8 speed bags (L) x2 – bring hands up toward face and rotate arms like your punching a speed bag, you can do whatever with your feet – scissor, boxer shuffle, etc. – then jump feet out and perform two jumping jacks. Repeat the speed bags on the left and continue alternating sides.
- Sumo Squat + Heel Raise x2 – step feet wide, toes pointing out, hips tucked under and chest lifted. Sit into a sumo squat and hold it at the bottom. Lift right heel and then put it back on the ground while you lift your left heel. Repeat alternating feet.
- Jab Jacks x2 – 2 jabs with jumping jack feet, switch sides x2 – Perform two jumping jacks with your feet with simultaneously jabbing right arm out (feet out, arm out, feet in, arm in), switch arms after two jabs. Keep alternating sides.
- Figure 4 Squat x2 – Cross your right leg over your left knee and perform a narrow squat, making sure to keep your chest up. Press hips back and booty down (watch to make sure knee doesn’t go over toes). Do right leg the first round and then switch to left the second time through.
Tabata 6
Go through all 4 moves before repeating.
- Burpee + Push Up – perform one burpee and at the bottom complete one pushup (on knees or toes), hop feet back in and jump at the top.
- Froggy Burpee – bring feet a little wider than normal with toes pointed out, jump forward and land in a sumo squat position, bring hands to ground and perform one burpee, then come back up and jump background and perform one burpee. Explode from the bottom.
- Burpee + Alternating Lunges – Burpee down, come up and jump into a right lunge. Burpee down and then jump up into a left lunge. Repeat alternating legs.
- Side Burpee – Jump down into a burpee, but shoot feet out to the side to work your obliques. Hop back center and jump in the air. Repeat alternating sides.
Click here to print the workout!