Chisel your core with these 8 go-to bosu ball ab exercises.
It’s time to build that that six pack to strengthen your entire body! You’re going to love (and hate) this bosu ball workout. It’s just the thing you need to hit all the muscle groups – lower, upper and obliques – but best yet, it’ll have you feeling strong. 💪🏼
Hiii there 👋🏼, who’s ready to get bikini body ready?! JK. I swore to myself that I would never say that on the blog. Just because swimsuit season is upon us doesn’t mean that we suddenly need to care about our “six packs.”
At afitcado, we (aka: I) believe a healthy mind and body is needed all day errr day!
So whether you’re doing this workout today (March 27, 2019) or in December, you’re doing it because a strong core builds a strong body! Amen? Amen! 🙌🏼
… and let’s be real, we all know abs are made in the kitchen anyway.
I actually hate it when you go on Pinterest and it says 8 minutes to your 8 pack, or bikini body in 5 exercises because that’s never going to happen. You can’t just do one workout or eat one meal to make you “bikini body ready.” It’s a lifestyle. Eat real foods that are good for your body. Move it when you can, and just enjoy life!

Bosu Ball Benefits
Core exercises can get really boring. The regular crunch or sit up, maybe some planks, and while they are effective your body will get used to do the same moves day in and day out. So I challenged myself to come up with some different moves you or I have tried before.
These 8 bosu ball core exercises are designed to target all the muscle groups in your abdominal. You’ll hit the upper, lower and obliques!
The best part of using the bosu is that it makes hitting all the target muscle groups easier. With the bosu, you’re able to get the decline motion which works the lower abdominals. With a traditional crunch, you’re only hitting the upper abdominals.
Shall we dive in?

Core Workout Tips
All you need is a bosu ball. If you don’t belong to a gym, you can get one off Amazon, but it’ll cost you a pretty penny. Here’s the the Bosu Ball I’ve used, but there are some cheaper brands.
There’s 8 moves and you’ll perform each move for 30 seconds. Once you’ve gone through all 8 moves, you’ll repeat them all again once more.
By the end of the first set, your muscles should be fatigued. Make sure that when this happens, you’re focusing on pulling your belly button into your spine to keep your core super tight.
Of course, any/all of these moves can be modified by moving off the bosu and to the floor. If you need a break, take it and hope back in when you’re ready.
Last but not least, you’ll need a timer. I use Interval Timer App and love it! I’ve been using it for years. You can set your work and rest periods and how many intervals you want in a row, plus it tracks your workouts too, if you’re into that thing 😏. I highly highly recommend.
Okay, let’s get to work! 💪🏼

8-Minute Bosu Ball Core Workout
Perform each move for 30 seconds, with no rest in between moves. Go through all moves once and then repeat for a second time.
- V-sit Wide In/Outs – sitting on the very top of the bosu, bring your legs out in a V and tap the floor with your heels, bring legs back center and in.
- V-sit Lateral Scissor – sitting on the very top of the bosu, lean your body back to 45 degree angle and place hands on the floor next to your booty or on the side of the bosu. Extend legs and scissor them side to side alternating leg on top.
- Inclined Full Sit Ups – think full sit up, but on the bosu. Sitting more on the front end of the bosu (not on the very top), fully extend backward (keeping belly button pulled in) and then perform a full sit up (*try not to use your arms to swing, if you feel yourself pulling, cross your arms over your chest)
- Crunch Rope Pull – sitting on the front end of the bosu, with feet on the ground and back flat, bring both arms up over chest. Pretending to pull yourself up using a “rope” perform a crunch, reaching one hand higher than the other to lift the upper body.
- Single Leg V-Knee Ups – sitting on the front end of the bosu, with upper body at a decline position, and feet on the floor, lift upper body while also lifting one leg off the floor (knee stays bent), crunch up so body is in a v-position and then lower back down. Repeat with the opposite side.
- Low/High Side Plank Right with Top Leg Lift – in a low side plank, with elbow on top of the bosu, press your hip toward the ceiling creating a strong base. Then keeping top leg straight, lift in the air, hold for one second and then slowly lower back to the ground.
- Low/High Side Plank Left with Top Leg Lift – same move as above, just on your left side.
- High Plank + Side to Side Balance – flip the bosu so the round side is facing down. Place both hands on the edge of the flat side of the bosu and keeping core tight (and booty down) slowly lean your body right, rocking the side of the bosu so your hand almost touches the floor. Use your obliques to bring you back to starting position in high plank. Slowly lean toward the other side and repeat, alternating.