A quick, calorie-burning workout to build strength and burn fat.
Grab your kettlebells ladies and gents because this AMRAP Kettlebell HIIT workout is going to have you burning in all the right places. All you need is 25 minutes for this serious, full-body sweat sesh. Cardio √ Strength √ Balance & Core √ Get ready because this little number is the real deal.
Hi there! Back again after a little break last week. I’m trying to do a better job of balancing work (aka blog work) and life. I’m the type of person that if it’s on my to-do list, I must get it done. Unfortunately, that means I tend to put unnecessary pressure on myself.
Luckily for me, I have an amazing husband who’s the yin to my yang, and kindly reminds me that it’s not that big of deal to skip a week. 😜
The next month will be even wilder for us. We have 2 family vacations practically back to back, so I’m trying to get ahead now, but if I don’t, then 🤷🏻♀️
I bet 80% of you are scrolling past these words anyway…That’s cool. I’d do the same thing!
So let’s just get to it.
If you’ve never used a kettlebell, I highly suggest you try this workout! 👇🏼 You’ll really get a good feel for how the kettlebell works your core and stabilizer muscles.
Since the bell has uneven weight distribution (unlike a dumbbell or barbell), you’re body has to engage it’s core even more to keep steady. You’ll see what I’m talking about when you try it!
So on top of the serious cardio/strength aspects of this workout, you’ll also be hitting those washboard abs too 😉
AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible.
What this means: you’ll set a timer for 25 minutes and try to get through all the exercises as many times as possible. The last time I got through 4, but take it as fast or as slow as you want!
There’s high cardio moves like the kettlebell swing and burpee + overhead press that will spike your heart rate. Some of the other moves are more strength-focused. Either way you’ll be dripping with sweat in no time.
And remember, keep your core as tight as possible with every move.
If you don’t have kettlebells at your gym, you can buy some just about anywhere. For lighter ones, I would check TJMaxx or Marshalls for the more heavy duty, check Target or Amazon.
P.s. – I have weight recommendations below, but go with a weight that you’re comfortable with. You’ll need a couple different weights – heavy, medium and light.
And of course, if you’re going to be breaking down muscles, you need something to rebuild them! 💪🏼 My go-to protein source is Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides! (affiliate link) Unflavored is my favorite, but there are so many good options, you really can’t go wrong.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein in your body that’s found in your bones, muscles, skin, hair, nails, joints, ligaments and tendons. So yeah, just about everything!
Did you know around age 25, your body naturally stops producing collagen and the existing collagen will begin to break down? This leads to the aging process: wrinkles, sore joints and the loss of elasticity, firmness, and hydration. Es no bueno!
Which is why it’s important to incorporate collagen into your daily routine. It’s also a great protein source and can help heal the lining of your gut! Now this is what I call a superfood!
Vital Proteins collagen is really clean, with only one ingredient and it’s sourced from grass fed, pasture raised bovine hide!
If you haven’t tried it, I highly highly recommend! Or if you have any questions, leave a comment below or hit me up via email or social!
Now go kick some booty! 🤸🏼♂️

25-Minute AMRAP Kettlebell HIIT Workout
Repeat sequence as many times as possible in 25 minutes.
- 2-armed KB Swing – 15 reps (heavier kb: 20 – 30 lbs.) – start with kettlebell on ground, grasp with two hands and bring your upper body parallel to the floor with hips back and knees slightly bent. Start by swinging the kettlebell between your legs and then using your hips and glutes for power swing the kettlebell out in front. Your arms should be loose and free flowing (it’s the legs that should be doing all the work, not the arms). *if the kettlebell swings way above your head, consider using a heavier kettlebell
- KB Front Squat – 10 reps (heavier kb: 20 – 30 lbs) – holding the bell of the kettlebell (KB flipped over), perform a squat by sitting hips back and booty down, keeping knees behind toes and chest up.
- Single Leg RDL + KB Row – 8 reps each side (medium kb: 10 – 12 lbs) – holding the kettlebell in one hand, bring one leg back straight behind you, while you hinge at your hips and bring your upper body parallel to floor. While in the RDL position, row the kettlebell to your hip and bring it back down to starting position. Stay in the RDL position the entire time while rowing the KB. For a modification you can go back to standing position between each rep.
- Push-up with KB Pass Through – 10 reps (small kb: 5 – 10 lbs) – get in pushup position with hands just outside shoulders (on knees or toes). Place the kettlebell by your right hand. Perform one pushup, then grab the kettlebell with the left hand (go underneath your body/arm to grab) and place kettlebell on outside of left body. Perform a pushup and then grab the KB with your right hand and do the same.
- Burpee + KB Overhead Press – 10 reps (medium kb: 10 – 12 lbs) – place the kettlebell on the ground in front of you. Perform a burpee, placing your hands on the outside of the kb and hopping your feet back into plank position. Jump your feet back in, grab the kettlebell by the handle or the bell and engaging your core as you stand, lift the KB and press overhead (I grab the handle first, and then when I bring it up overhead, I kind of move my hands quickly to the bell instead (almost like a toss) and press overhead with my hands on the ball – do what feels right to you) *I’ll try to show this in an instagram story, so you get what I’m talking about
- Reverse Lunge + KB Curl – 8 reps each side (light/medium kb: 5 – 10 – 12 lbs) – hold a kettlebell in each hand and perform a reverse lunge. When coming back to standing position, curl the kettlebells up to shoulders (or if your wrists hurt, just curl them halfway to the belly button.) Repeat using the same leg for 8 reps and then switch sides.
- Single Arm KB Snatch + Tricep Extension – 8 reps each arm (light kb: 5 – 10 lbs) – this one’s tricky. Hold one kettlebell in your right arm. Bring the kettlebell straight up your body (elbow will go wide and hight) and when your hand gets to your chest, flip your wrist, so the kettlebell swings up and over your hand and is now resting on your wrist. Press the kb up overhead and the slowly perform a single arm tricep extension, bringing the kb down to the base of the neck while keeping your elbow in close to your temple. Squeeze the tricep to lift and then lower arm back down so hand is at top of shoulder, flip the wrist so kb is now hanging down and lower all the way down.
- KB Russian Twist – 10 reps (medium kb: 10 – 12 lbs) – in C-sit position, with feet on or off the ground, hold kettlebell by either side of the handle and rotate your upper body side to side so kb goes to the back of the hip. 1 rep is left and right.