Mix up your workout routine with this high intensity interval training!
New year, new you? Maybe it’s new year, same you. Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, you’re going to love this new Bosu Ball workout! With spurts of cardio blasts and strength training moves, you’ll get a full body workout in under 20 minutes! The best way to keep your workouts fresh is trying something new!
Grab a bosu and a timer and let’s get to work 💪🏼
Hey hey! I’m finally bringing another workout to the blog. December was a mess with holidays galore, the blog definitely took the back burner. But it’s a new year, so fresh content for y’all!
It’s funny because workouts are the most popular posts on the blog, which I’m not surprised by. People probably just go to the blog multiple times on their phone to look up a workout. I don’t blame ya, I do the same thing.
I’d love to hear if there are certain types of workouts you prefer! Strength? Cardio? Tabata? Pleasseee take the guesswork out of it and let me know!
Something I’m going to try to do to more of this year is filming my workouts on Instagram Stories. But I’ll have to get over my fear of people thinking I’m weird first. 😝
This little goodie of a workout is tough. It’ll have you sweating in no time! The Bosu Ball is a great way to work on balance, core muscles and strength. If you worry about balance or have ankle problems, you can swap all of these moves with a step or perform them on the floor.
With this Bosu Ball HIIT Workout you’ll perform each move for 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between moves. If there’s a “x2” after the move, you will repeat it twice and then move on to the next move. If the x2 is at the end of the fourth move, perform all 4 moves first before repeating. Try performing each move at 85% of your max to spike your heart rate. With strength moves, focus on form over speed.
Ready to crush those 2018 goals? Okay, cool! Lets go 😬
(see explanations of moves below!)

Bosu Ball HIIT Workout
Perform each move for 20 seconds, with 10-seconds of rest in-between moves.
Tabata 1 *bosu round side up
- Around the World Toe Taps – tap right foot and then left foot on top of the bosu, moving clockwise and moving all the way around the bosu. Keep body slightly forward, think fast feet. Move counterclockwise the second time through. x2
- Lateral Hop Overs – keep one foot on bosu at all times and tap right foot down on ground and then hop foot back up and tap left foot on ground, keeping body center. x2
- Squat Jumps – squat on floor, jump on bosu, squat on bosu, jump back on floor (take it to a step for less intensity). x2
- Reverse Burpees – sit back on bosu (butt goes on front end of bosu), lay back flat, keeping feet on ground, hold for a second, crunch back up into squat position and jump in air. x2
Tabata 2 *Bosu Flat Side Up
- Mountain Climbers – place hands wide and bring body to high plank position. Drive right knee into chest and then left knee, repeating quickly.
- Push-ups – hands wide on flat side.
- High Plank Hold + Cross Knee Drivers – place hands wide and bring body to high plank position. Drive right knee to left elbow and then left knee to right elbow, repeating quickly or slowly.
- Back Extensions – switch bosu to round side up. Place body over bosu (belly button slightly over top of bosu). Squeeze glutes and core to lift upper body, slowly lower and repeat.
Tabata 3
- Burpees – place bosu round side down and perform a burpee, when standing grab bosu by ends and lift overhead (keeping bosu close to body, slightly in front of you). x2
- Reverse Lunge Pulses – back leg goes on bosu, perform a lunge and pulse low. x2
- On/Offs Hops – straddle bosu, jump feet in and out (on and off of bosu) – keep points to the front and back. x2
- Side Lunges – lunge onto bosu. x2
Tabata 4 *Bosu round side up
- Tricep Dips – hands on round side of bosu, fingers pointed toward butt, lower body to ground and squeeze triceps to lift body.
- Side-to-Side Pushups – place one hand on bosu and one hand on floor, perform a pushup and then walk hands over bosu to other side and perform another pushups
- High-to-Low Planks – start in low plank on round side of bosu, walk hands up into high plank and then lower. Alternate the arm you go up and down with.
- High Plank Jacks – in high plank, straddle bosu, hop feet on and off.
Tabata 5
- Side Plank + Top Leg Lifts – hold right side low plank on round side of bosu, raise top leg and slowly lower (could put knee down to lower intensity). x2
- High Plank Side-to-Side Balance – with hands wide on flat side of bosu in high plank, rock bosu side-center-side. x2
- Single Leg Hip Bridge (R) – 20 seconds – full up and down, 10 second rest – pulses (Right). Bring right foot on top of bosu and other leg in air (flex foot), lift hips and press toward ceiling. x2
- Single Leg Hip Bridge (L) – 20 seconds – full up and down, 10 second rest – pulses (Left) x2
*For a complete tabata, repeat routine twice.