Work on that six pack with these 7 moves to tone and tighten your tummy!
There are two ways to get washboard abs. 1. Eat clean. 2. Work the core! These simple, yet effective moves are designed to tone the upper and lower abdominals, giving you a full tummy workout. Strengthen your core anywhere, anytime!
You’re only 10 minutes away from a serious ab burnout. Ready to get crunchin!?
Before we dive in, I wanted to give you all a little update on BIG things happening in my life.
- I GOT ENGAGED!!! 💍 (yes, it finally happened! 😏) It’s been 3.5 weeks and I’m still on cloud 9. I would have blogged about it sooner, but it’s been crazy town over here.
Nick and I were going out to celebrate our 5 YEAR dating anniversary and after coming up with a story about having to go back to Ankeny to get his wallet, we drove over the Saylorville bridge (something we have come quite accustomed to over the past 3 years of traveling back and forth between each others places). I spotted my best friends car, but didn’t think anything of it, so while I was texting her, Nick pulled over and said that we should stop and take in the scenery, which we have never done before. When we flipped a U-y, I started to connect the dots and before I know it we were driving up to a sign that read “Will You Marry Me.” Nick did his spiel, which I will keep between the two of us, needless to say I was in tears and said YES! We celebrated with dinner at our favorite and frequent anniversary spot, Biaggi’s. We were (and still are) giddy! Something I will remember forever! 💕 - We also closed on our HOUSE! I can’t believe we are homeowners. It’s unreal. We spent the whole weekend painting and now we are finishing packing because we move in this weekend!!! We’ll finally be under the same roof again. No more driving back and forth and packing bags and planning our weeks out in advance. Just Nick, Mosby and Me in our little house 🙂 It’ll take awhile to get everything settled, but we can’t wait to have a house warming party with friends and family to celebrate!
September and October were very good months and there’s so much to look forward to. 😬 It’s been busy, but I’ve tried to enjoy every moment. Next stop: wedding planning, furniture/decoration shopping and more meditation, because this girl is going to need it. 💁🏽
Yano what else I’m going to need, this quick and efficient 10-minute ab workout. I’m a busy body, so I constantly have a laundry list of to-dos. One of which is workout, but some days are tough. Between work, family/friend activities, the blog, miscellaneous events that come up, it’s hard to get on a set schedule. No week is ever the same.
One thing I’ve loved since moving back home is my Friday workouts. Run and abs. That’s it! It’s also how I came up with this ab routine. I wanted something that would push me and really focus on my core. I picked some of my favorite exercises, set a timer and started working.
Strengthen your core helps strengthen your entire body because everything you do, stems from it. Crunches can get tedious and they really only work your upper abdominals. These seven moves target the whole core – lower, upper, back and obliques. All you need is 10 minutes (or less!) to set those abs on fire. You’ll complete each move for 30 seconds, with no rest in between moves, repeat the set three times through.
Let’s do this thaanngg!

Flat Belly Ab Blaster
Complete each move for 30 seconds, with no rest in-between moves. Repeat three times through.
- Crunch Tap Holds – arms straight overhead, crunch up and tap hands to knees, hold for a second then lower back to the ground
- Leg Lowers
- Reverse Crunches – don’t swing, try to hold knees over hips for 1 second before each reverse crunch
- Push-Throughs – in crunch position, press hands through your legs, lifting your shoulder blades off the ground (higher than a crunch)
- Side Plank Hip Dips (Right)
- Side Plank Hip Dips (Left)
- Low Plank Hold