The perfect combination of heart-pumping cardio with strength based exercises to get a full body workout outside!
Soak up the sun, while getting your sweat on with this outside run + front porch HIIT workout 💪🏼 All you need is your body and a step to crush this one. By incorporating longer cardio sessions with focused strength exercises, you’ll tone and tighten all the muscle groups in less than 30 minutes. Let’s do this thannng!
Heyoo! 👋🏼 how’s it going? We are in full blown wedding mode over here. When I told Nick I wanted to elope 11 months ago, I wish he would have listened… Lol! 😂 No, but seriously, I never imagined the amount of detail that went into planning a wedding. I actually made Nick come to one of my appointments with the wedding planner at the church so he could 1. know what’s going on, and 2. see how much effort and detail this shiz takes.
As much as I’m ready to just get married, I’m also trying to take it all in and enjoy the process. Which takes constant reminder and a lot of deep breaths. My friends and family have been a huge support through this whole process and I can’t thank them enough.
Not only are there details on details, but the effort to eat clean (while stressed) and keep consistent workouts through the busiest of schedules.
Que this outside run + front porch HIIT workout. But first, I wanted to take a second to vent and give ya’ll a little PSA.
I’m pissed. Why? Because, I can no longer run outside without feeling anxious. With all the abduction and sex trafficking news lately, I’m honestly terrified to run outside. Which is sad. And it makes me angry.
My heart and prayers go out to Mollie Tibbit’s friends and family. It’s just a tragedy. 😢
I hate that these people have taken the one thing that makes me happy and turned it into an activity that I now have anxiety over.
And to be honest, I haven’t run outside in over a month. I don’t know how to get over the fear. News anchors have given tips, such as:
- Run with only one earbud in
- Workout with a partner
- Stay on well populated streets
But none of it makes me feel better. In fact, I got pepper spray a few weeks ago and I’m not sure that makes me feel any better. So, if you can be braver than me and try this workout, remember to be aware of your surroundings, don’t have your music blasting and stay on busy roads where people are outside.
So with that said. 1 who wants to be my running partner? And 2. Let’s dive in!
I love a good ole outside HIIT workout. You can soak up some vitamin D and get that adrenaline pumping. ☀️ The perfect combination to make you feel good!
With this workout, you want to stay close to home (no coincidence there 😏).
You’ll run a half mile, whether that’s a loop around the neighborhood or running a few blocks and turning around – really whatever works for you! Once you make it back home, perform 15 reps of each exercise. For example, you’ll run ½ mile, then do 15 squat jumps on the step and then 15 reps of incline pushups.
The best thing about the step, is you can higher or lower the intensity depending on your needs. Do incline pushups on the second step for a little easier pushup or if you want to push yourself, walk your hands down to the first step. You can do this with any of the moves!
In total you’ll run 2 miles and 120 reps of strength based moves.
So are you ready? 💪🏼

Outside Run + Porch HIIT Workout
Run – ½ mile
Squat Jumps on Step – 2-legged jump onto the first or second step. Land in a half squat and straighten legs and squeeze glutes to stand all the way up. Hop down, or walk feet back to ground.
Incline Pushup – place hands on first or second step, depending on desired intensity. Perform a pushup by bringing elbows wide and lowering chest – squeezing the shoulder blades on the way down and squeezing the chest to lift back to starting position.
Run – ½ mile
Split Lunge on Step – Place right leg back onto the first or second step and keep other leg on the ground. Perform a lunge – bending both knees to 90 degrees, bring front thigh parallel with ground. Keep chest tall and shoulders rolled back and down. Repeat 15 reps on each leg.
Tricep Dips – place fingers pointed toward your booty on the first or second step. Pull core tight and perform a dip – bending at elbows and bringing them straight back. Squeeze your triceps to lift
Run – ½ mile
Side Lunge onto Step – with one leg on the ground, place other foot on first or second step and perform a side lunge – keep knees in the same direction as toes and behind, press hips back. Pressing out of the side of the foot, come back to standing position. Repeat 15 reps on each leg.
Decline Pushups – place feet on first or second step and hands on the ground. Perform a pushup – bringing elbows wide and lowering chest – squeezing the shoulder blades on the way down and squeezing the chest to lift back to starting position.
Run – ½ mile
Reverse Curtsy Lunge – Standing on the first or second step, bring right leg behind body and place on ground, perform a curtsey lunge – keep right knee in line with toes, bend both knees to 90 degrees, bringing font thigh parallel to ground. Lift back to standing position by squeezing the glutes.
Incline Plank + Spider Knee – place hands on first or second step. Tuck hips and perform a high plank. Bring your right knee into your right elbow (out and around), repeat alternating sides.
Love outside workouts? Here are some others you might enjoy!
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